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Writer's pictureshawnwarner

Does a writer need business cards?

Isn't the published manuscript it's own business card? Well, yeah! But what if you've not reached that status?

About 10 years ago I became a very reluctant homeschool dad, writing part-time at best. I was the primary educator, uber driver for the kids, transporting them to gymnastics training/meets, stage rehearsals and performances, as well as music lessons and everything else that is part and parcel of being a parent. I was the primary keeper of the home fires - me, a dad. Every event I went to I was asked if mom homeschooled the creatures. Oh the pitiful and incredulous looks that came my way!

When my kids reached high school, I had more time to dedicate to writing and reading. I wrote more consistently, joined a writer's group, and attended my first ever writer's conference.

I now have a finished first manuscript and am making edits to give Jack and his friends their best shot at being professional spies and me a shot at being a professional writer. To that end, I recently ordered business cards and the final product is just amazing.

Here are my top reasons for why writers need business cards:

You are a writer. Act like one!

When I was an engineer, I had a business card. Did I give many out? Not really but it was a tangible reminder that I had a role to fulfill day in and day out. I had expectations and goals to meet. Writers set goals and expectations. Agents, editors, and publishers impose theirs as well. Having that business card staring back at you is that tangible reminder of those responsibilities. Everything I do is to further my craft, my career, to reach my goals and fulfill those expectations.

The universe abounds with opportunities. Be ready to act!

It's amazing the amount of people we meet in this day to day adventure called life. I've been in a bookstore shopping for gifts when a YA bookclub announcement popped through the speaker. The book club was meeting to review their YA book of the month. I joined and at their prompting, pitched my story and, just like snow on Christmas Morning, they were eager to experience it! You know what comes in handy at a moment like that? When you meet potential readers? Yep, a business card. Even an easy to remember handle will be forgotten if not re-enforced with something tangible.

Writer's conferences and meeting

Ok, so this is a no brainer. Meeting and connecting with editors, agents, fellow authors and readers is awesome, remembering how to connect with them is super helpful.

Those are my top reasons, but what are yours or do you disagree?

If you are considering purchasing business cards, these from MOO came highly recommended to me.

Get 25% off your first order

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