Shawn is the author of young adult adventure stories, science fiction, fantasy, and good old-fashioned mysteries. He shot to fame when a TikTok video of him selling his debut Young Adult book went viral, and has since become a worldwide best-selling author with Leigh Howard and the Ghosts of Simmons-Pierce Manor.
Download my Speaker Sheet Bio HERE.
Media Kit

The Media Kit for​ media, PR and news outlets contains a breif bio, headshot, statistics, social media handles and other salient media needs.
For additional access to media items contact
Download the Media Kit HERE.
Promo Video
Londyn May at Bliss Digital Marketing put together this promo video, which tells the story of becoming a Best-Selling Author through the power of social media.
PR and Media contact
For any additional Media needs, please contact, from podcast appearances to classroom visits to BBC and Today Show, PR handles all of the media requests so I can continue to write fun books that young and wise people everywhere want to read.